Social Work Scotland

Social Work Scotland is the professional leadership body
for the social work and social care professions.

About us

We are a social work leadership body, led by our members.
We work to influence policy and legislation and to support the development of the social work and social care workforce.

Latest Updates

Here you will find our featured consultations, reports and projects.


Adults with Incapacity Amendment Act Consultation

You can read Social Work Scotland’s response to the Adults with Incapacity Amendment Act here!

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What needs to change to support Social Work in Scotland?

The analysis on a survey of what needs to change to support social work in Scotland – over 400 responses!

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National Care Service (Scotland) Bill

Read our response to the National Care Service (Scotland) Bill here!

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Response from Social Work Scotland to Scottish Government Consultation on Moving on from Care into Adulthood

Social Work Scotland welcomed the opportunity to actively contribute to discussions about how best to achieve the right support for those with experience of care as they move into adulthood. You can read more about our response to the Moving on from Care into Adulthood consultation here.

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Join us

We’re stronger with you as a member. Help us shape social work leadership now and for the future.
Membership is open to a whole range of people and organisations.

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We create a variety of resources, including publications, consultation responses and press releases; as well as useful ways to support your knowledge and understanding of key developments in social work.

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We run a range of events some of which are for members only, but most are open to people with an interest in social work and social care.

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We find a number of ways to get that view across: responding to consultations and calls for evidence; briefings to MSPs; event reports and publications based on our own work.