
Here you will find a variety of resources, including publications, consultation responses and press releases; as well as useful ways to support your knowledge and understanding of key developments in social work.

21 December 2023AdultsChildren and FamiliesJusticeWorkforce and Resources


Social Work Scotland AGM summary reports

We’ve put together a summary of the reports from our Standing Committees, subgroups and projects at Social Work Scotland, which …

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6 December 2022AdultsChief Social Work OfficersChildren and FamiliesJusticeWorkforce and Resources


Setting the Bar 2: ‘Taking the wheel’

The impact of ‘Setting the Bar’ In June 2022, we published ‘Setting the Bar’, a research report which sought to …

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20 October 2022Justice


Pre-Budget Scrutiny Report 2023-2024

Pre-Budget Scrutiny 2023-2024: In response to Criminal Justice Committee call for views   20 October 2022  Introduction  Social Work Scotland is …

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29 June 2020Justice


Justice Social Work Routemap

The Scottish Government released the COVID-19 Routemap at the end of May 2020.  The Routemap sets out four phases between lockdown and the resumption of life …

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30 September 2019


Safe and Together Scoping Report

The Scottish Parliament passed ground-breaking legislation in April 2019, recognising coercive control as a domestic abuse offence. At the same time …

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4 December 2018AdultsChildren and Families


Community: A radical current?

The idea of universal, community-based service was key to the vision of social work that informed the 1968 Social Work …

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4 December 2018AdultsChildren and Families


Prevention or Crisis Response?

The Social Work (Scotland) Act 1968 provided a framework for the newly formed social work profession to use cash assistance …

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