Response from Social Work Scotland to Consultation on the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (Incorporation) (Scotland) Act 2024: Statutory Guidance on Part 2 and 3 (Section 18)

Children and Families

May 2024 


Social Work Scotland is the professional body for social work leaders, working closely with our partners to shape policy and practice, and improve the quality and experience of social services. Having previously provided evidence in relation to UNCRC incorporation into Scots Law and written submission to Equality, Human Rights and Civil Justice Committee, we welcome this opportunity to comment on the statutory guidance for Parts 2 and 3 of the United Nations Convention on the Rights of the Child (Incorporation) (Scotland) Act 2024 

The principles on which the social work profession is built are those of human rights, and as such as a profession we align to the principles of the Act. As an organisation Social Work Scotland also operate in a space where we seek to ensure that legislation and good practice are able to be put in place on the ground through clarity, positive culture and leadership. As such we are alert to the importance of implementation in achieving the policy intent within legislation and highlight aspects of this within this response. 

This response is gathered from the views and reflections of our membership which spans local authority and third sector organisations across the range of social work provision. As an organisation we work closely with our partners to shape policy and practice and improve the quality and experience of social services. We are committed to the UNCRC and its incorporation in Scots Law noting the significance of the definition of a public authority and its functions, and the proposed reporting duties and therefore the importance of clarity in those areas within statutory guidance.