Corporate Sponsorship of Social Work Scotland helps support our work in advocating for and representing social work managers and leaders at a national level. As an independent body, Social Work Scotland relies on contributions from partners, with Corporate Sponsorship being a key funding source.
Corporate Sponsorship enables Social Work Scotland to:
- Maintain a core team of policy specialists for advice and support.
- Run committees and subgroups which provide national peer networking opportunities.
- Organise events tailored to social work professionals in local authorities.
- Produce materials highlighting challenges and nuanced positions on local issues across Scotland.
- Ensure consistent representation of social work issues at the national level through consultation and engagement with the Scottish Government and other partners.
Corporate Sponsorship is available to any organisation with a direct interest in social work services. Further details are in the boxes below.
- Organisations involved in the delivery, improvement, scrutiny or regulation of social work services.
- Organisations involved in the education, training and / or support of social workers.
- Organisations developing or delivering services to social workers / social work.
- Enable the work of Social Work Scotland and realisation of its mission. This includes the maintenance of over twenty distinct sub
–groups, covering discreet areas of social work practice (e.g. Care Homes, Children’s Residential, Family Support, Adult Mental Health) and the national Chief Social Work Officer’s network. - Recognition of ‘Corporate Sponsor’ status on promotional materials (incl. at conference), when requested.
- Opportunities to develop jointly badged events, and to circulate your invitations to relevant Social Work Scotland distribution lists.
- From £500 to £3000 per annum (from April to the end of March). In the first year, an organisation would pay for the number of months from the start of membership until the following end of March.
- Fee is calculated based on the size of the sponsoring organisation.
If your organisation is interested in becoming a Corporate Sponsor to support the work and mission of Social Work Scotland, please contact us at
Please note that this is separate from individual membership types. If your employer organisation is a Corporate Sponsor of Social Work Scotland, you must still hold an Individual Membership for benefits such as attending/representing at meetings.