Celebrating UNCRC being voted into Scots law


Yesterday, 16 March 2021, Scottish Parliament voted to make sure that the UNCRC will become part of Scots law. This is a fantastic achievement and reflects the hard work, commitment and passion of a great many people who’ve worked to get us to this day.

To make the impact of that law become real and meaningful to children and young people, Social Work Scotland will need to work alongside many partners, professionals and children and families. Transformation won’t happen on its own – the practicalities need to be understood, and the way we work will need support, resource and time to change.

We also know that through the Promise and the independent review of adult social care, there’s a chance to look at how social work’s unique role in supporting rights can become stronger in Scotland, and provide a better-coordinated structure of support and safety when it’s needed.

We look forward to it.