
We are a membership body and we bring our members together in a range of meetings to discuss policy and practice and to inform views on legislation, policy and professional development.

Committees Overview

You will be able to find more information on our Standing Committees on this page.
Underneath these Standing Committees sit a range of Subgroups, which you can find more information on below as well.

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Justice Commitee

The Social Work Scotland Justice Standing Committee is made up of Chief Social Work Officers; managers from justice social work services; academics; and those working in the private and voluntary sectors.

We have members from all across Scotland and meet bi-monthly.

Chair: Lynsey Smith

Admin Support: Elaine Reid

Children & Families Committee

The Social Work Scotland Children and Families Standing Committee is the unique voice for the leadership of children and families social work and social care professions.

Interim Chair: Joan Tranent

Vice-Chair: Alison Sutherland

Admin Support: Alison McIntosh

Adult Committee

Social Work and Social Care professionals play a key role, in close partnership with colleagues, to support over 500,000 adults a day in Scotland lead positive lives that reflect their wishes, hopes and aspirations.

Co-Chair: John Campbell

Co-Chair: Diane Fraser

Admin Support: Julie Laing

Chief Social Work Officer Committee

The Chief Social Work Officer (CSWO) role fulfils a key leadership role within social work, and this group is supported by Social Work Scotland. We host the committee, which supports CSWOs in their statutory roles within local authorities.

Chair: Social Work Scotland

Workforce & Resources Committee

The Workforce and Resources Standing Committee supports the vision and aims of Social Work Scotland to ensure that social work as a profession is equipped and resourced to meet its statutory obligations.

Chair: David Gibson

Admin Support: Alex Westerby & Hayley MacLean