Development of Social Work Scotland’s Strategic Plan 2020-23

SWS Articles

Development of Social Work Scotland’s Strategic Plan 2020-23

Social Work Scotland is developing a three-year strategic plan. We need this plan to guide our development from the Association we are now towards a future state in which we are appropriately equipped and positioned to deliver on our core objectives (as set out in our Articles of Association). These are:   

  1. Pursue social justice, human rights and equality for all of Scotland’s citizens Promote the unique role, value and contribution of social work 
  2. Articulate the expertise and insight of social work managers 
  3. Inform the development and implementation of policy, at national and local levels 
  4. Support high quality and effective leadership within social work and social care 
  5. Champion research and evidence as to the basis of policy and practice 
  6. Facilitate collaboration and practice improvement among social work and social care providers. 
  7. Shape the direction and development of social work in Scotland 

It is also intended that the process of developing the Strategic Plan will help clarify members’ perspectives on the shape and nature of social work governance in Scotland, including this Association’s place within it.  

The Strategic Plan will be a short, high-level document, written in plain English. It will make clear the strategic priorities and direction of the Association over the next three years, (i.e. where, and in what form, does we intend to be in 2023). 

We need your input and help in developing the Strategic Plan. At various stages, starting this month (June 2020), we are looking for members’ views, insights and commentary. A survey is now live, open to Friday 3 July 2020.  This is the first stage in developing the plan, seeking your reflections on how the Association is currently performing, and where you want to see the Association (and social work in Scotland more generally) in three years’ time. This won’t be your only opportunity to shape the plan, but in helping set the terms of the initial discussions it is a critical one. Please take the chance to share your views. 

[Take the survey]  

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