
Here you will find a variety of resources, including publications, consultation responses and press releases; as well as useful ways to support your knowledge and understanding of key developments in social work.

11 November 2010Justice

Briefings and Statements

Children’s Hearings Scotland Bill

Joint briefing for stage 3 of the Children’s Hearings Scotland Bill from ADSW and COSLA. This briefing refers in particular …

Learn More

20 April 2010


Independent Budget Review

Response to initial call for contributions to the Scottish Government’s Independent Budget Review Group

20 March 2010


Alcohol Commission

ADSW response to the Licensing (Scotland) Act 2005 and the Alcohol Scotland Bill

20 March 2010Children and Families


Children’s Hearing (Scotland) Bill

Response to the Scottish Parliament Education and Lifelong Learning Committee’s call for evidence

20 November 2009Adults


Self Directed Support

ADSW response to A Draft National Strategy For Scotland

8 January 2009Justice

Briefings and Statements

Offender Management

Scottish Government Debate

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