We host the committee, which supports CSWOs in their statutory roles within local authorities.
All Chief Social Work Officers are automatically members of this committee. The meetings are jointly run with the Office of the Chief Social Work Adviser from the Scottish Government. They run from 9.30 until 12, with a private session for CSWOs followed by a joint session with the Scottish government.
The objectives of the committee are to:
- Provide a peer support network for CSWO
- Provide a forum to consider issues that impact professional social work practice and issues
which are within the remit of the CSWO. - Receive items for comment and discussion from other Social Work Scotland groups.
This committee is not a decision making forum of Social Work Scotland. It can make recommendations to the Board, and it can decide a position on a matter that CSWOs may decide to adopt.
This committee is chaired by the Convener of Social Work Scotland and is supported by the Director of Social Work Scotland.
Standing Committee
John Trainer
Subgroup Meetings
Highlands & Islands Subgroup
Contact: admin@socialworkscotland.org
Chief Social Work Officer Qualification
The Scottish Social Services Council (SSSC) has worked with universities and other stakeholders to develop a qualification for Chief Social Work Officers (CSWO).
The CSWO postgraduate diploma will be delivered by Glasgow Caledonian University, working in partnership with the University of Dundee. It has been approved by the SSSC. The qualification is tailored to the learning needs of CSWOs and will offer candidates:
- a flexible, work-based, part time programme, encouraging a synthesis of current knowledge and skills with exciting new learning.
- the opportunity to enhance their skills and knowledge.
- a chance to have their existing skills and abilities recognised and accredited.
It is aimed specifically at those currently in the CSWO role or who aspire to the role.
The new qualification is underpinned by the Standard for Chief Social Work Officers and will attract 120 credits at Scottish Credit and Qualifications Framework (SCQF) level 11. Beyond the postgraduate diploma, there is also an option to proceed to a Masters degree.
Further information from the course providers is available here.
Useful Resources
Legislation and Documents –
- 1968: Social Work (Scotland) Act
- 1995: Children (Scotland) Act
- 1995: Criminal Procedure (Scotland) Act
- 2000: Adults with Incapacity (Scotland) Act 2000
- 2002: Community Care and Health (Scotland) Act
- 2003: Mental Health (care and treatment) (Scotland) Act
- 2003: Criminal Justice (Scotland) Act 2003
- 2006: Changing Lives Report
- 2011: Commission on the Future Delivery of Public Services
- 2011: Children’s Hearings (Scotland) Act
- 2012: Multi-Agency Public Protection Arrangements Guidance
- 2013: Social Care (Self-directed Support) (Scotland) Act 2013
- 2014: Public Bodies (Joint Working) (Scotland) Act
- 2015: Social Services in Scotland a shared vision and strategy 2015 – 2020
- 2015: The Standard for Chief Social Work Officers
- 2016: Carers (Scotland) Act 2016
- 2016: Community Justice (Scotland) Act 2016
- 2016: SSSC Codes of Practice 2016
- 2016: Social Services Expenditure 2007-2015
- 2016: Chief Social Work Officers in Local Authorities: Annual Reports 2014-15