Justice Committee

The Social Work Scotland Justice Standing Committee is made up of Chief Social Work Officers; managers from justice social work services; academics; and those working in the private and voluntary sectors.

The Justice Standing Committee works to influence and shape legislation and policy relating to justice social work service delivery; to provide strategic leadership to the sector; to support the development of our workforce using evidence based approaches; to foster a culture of continuous learning and improvement and to promote the unique role, value and contribution of justice social work.

Our meetings discuss key issues related to justice social work services and provide an opportunity to network and for people with a similar focus to work our challenges and offer advice.

The Subgroups support the work of the Justice Standing Committee by taking forward specific pieces of identified work, enabling the sharing of practice, networking, supporting the committee regarding new and emerging practice issues, and responding to particular emerging national needs e.g. responses to draft legislation and consultations.

Standing Committee

Glyn Lloyd

Lynsey Smith: Lynsey.Smith@glasgow.gov.uk

Admin Support:
Olivia Hernandez

Justice Committee Subgroups

Prevention/Early Intervention

Julie Morton: jmorton@eastlothian.gov.uk

Vice Chair: Laura Smith: Laura.Smith@west-dunbarton.gov.uk

Public Protection

Jackie Hamilton: Jackie.Hamilton@south-ayrshire.gov.uk

Admin Support: Rachelle McCartney: Rachelle.McCartney@south-ayrshire.gov.uk

Peer Support Group
Community Sentencing

Gail Guest: Gail.Guest@dumgal.gov.uk

Vice Chair: Catherine Knipe: Catherine.Knipe@dumgal.gov.uk

Admin Support: Shona Irving: shona.irving@dumgal.gov.uk
