Social Work Scotland’s AGM will take place on Friday 10 December, 10am – 12 noon, on Microsoft Teams. All members are welcome.
The AGM is where we welcome in a new Convenor, confirm appointments to our Board (including a new Vice-Convenor) and vote on resolutions submitted by members. It is an opportunity for members to hear what the association has been doing on your behalf over the past year. With the conclusion of the National Care Service consultation and phase two of the Scottish Government’s programme getting started, the AGM will also be an important moment for members to consider together how the association will engage with upcoming developments. I hope you’re able to make it. If you’re a member, you should have received a calendar invite for the event. Please accept or decline so we can get a read on numbers. Any questions, please don’t hesitate to contact the SWS team at
If there are any matters you wish to raise at the AGM, please contact Ben Farrugia at as soon as possible. Closer to the AGM, all members will be sent information relating to the matters on which votes will be cast.
Nominations for Vice-Convenor and Committee Chair / Board roles
In anticipation of the AGM, we are now inviting expressions of interest and nominations for our Vice-Convenor and Standing Committee Chair roles. These are the key leadership positions at Social Work Scotland, holding formal company director responsibilities on behalf of the association, and together with our Non-Executive Directors, they constitute the Board, our main governance body. Roles are held for three years, with the option of renewal. Details of our current Board can be found on our website.
We’d be particularly interested in nominations and Notes of Interest for the roles of:
- Vice-Convenor (who will become Convenor at the 2022 AGM)
- Chair of the Justice Standing Committee
- Chair of the Adult Social Care Standing Committee
- Chair of the Workforce and Resources Standing Committee
We are keen to hear from anyone interested in taking up one of these roles, now or in the future, and for suggestions/nominations of individuals, you would like to see considered for the roles. Social Work Scotland’s continued impact as an organisation relies on eligible members stepping forward to take on these critical roles, so please do give it consideration. Eligibility conditions apply, but due to a number of changes we’ve made in the past couple of years please don’t hold back on the basis that you think you’ll be ineligible. Get in touch and we can discuss.
If you would like to note your interest in one of these roles, nominate another member, or have any questions at all, please contact Ben Farrugia at by Monday 22 November 2021.