Social work with adults: Supporting individuals, families, and communities

Start Date: 12/06/2025 9:00 am

End Date: 12/06/2025 5:00 pm


Adults social work practice is inherently multifaceted, touching every aspect of society. Regardless of the field a social worker operates in, working with adults is a universal component — be it supporting vulnerable children through parents and carers, collaborating with adults in justice-focused interventions, guiding young people into adult services, or offering family support at life’s end.

This conference seeks to overturn the perception that social work with adults is a siloed area of practice. We will instead be profiling the interconnected nature of adults social work, across all professional operational fields, examining its opportunities and challenges.

Through engaging presentations and workshops, delegates will explore:

• Theoretical perspectives on social work practice.
• Innovative solutions for addressing the needs of adults across all areas of social work.
• The pivotal role of leadership and management in supporting and redefining the workforce during times of change.

Whilst appreciating obstacles such as increased service demands, diminished resources, and financial pressures, we will celebrate/encourage
the resilience of an adaptable workforce, innovative management practices, and the collective voice of social work professionals driving change.

Join us to connect, learn and empower the future of social work with adults in supporting individuals, families, and communities.



Breakfast and registration

Chair’s opening remarks – Leigh Jolly, Vice Convenor, Social Work Scotland / CSWO and Head of Children’s Services, Aberdeenshire Council

Keynote: Navigating a life course – Eddie Fraser, Chief Executive, East-Ayrshire Council

Keynote: Reclaiming the whole family approach

Refreshments and networking

Presentation: Bridging the gaps: Attachment theory in adults, families, and justice

Panel: Power threat: People, potential, and practicalities

Lunch and exhibitions

Workshops – Delegates will have the chance to attend 2 out of 5 discussion led and presentation led sessions from a range of crosscutting topics including SDS, digital, and recent research.

Closing address

Networking reception

*sessions subject to change as programme develops