Response to Future of Foster Care consultation

Social Work Scotland response to Scottish Government Future of Foster Care consultation 

6 February 2025


Social Work Scotland is the professional body for social work leaders, working closely with our partners to shape policy and practice, and improve the quality and experience of social services and as a result those who receive those services. As an organisation and across our members we are committed to service improvement and ongoing development, based on evidence and research on how we can best meet the needs of those we work with and particularly those who experience the greatest challenges and barriers to their wellbeing and lives. Children in the care of the local authority are there due to adversity in their lives, and as an organisation, Social Work Scotland has a particular focus on this area, contributing to local and national developments for many years.

Social Work as a profession is based on the principles of human rights, reflecting the value of all individuals and upholding their rights . This is expressed in the SSSC Codes of Practice and in the BASW code of ethics. These underline the inherent worth and dignity of all people, including children, demonstrated in practice through relationships and promotion of self-determination, participation and wellbeing.

This means that social justice and advocating for the wellbeing and rights of those who are most disadvantaged, including children in the care system, is part of the context within which we operate.

We are alert to the benefits of changes to our care system, and the challenges of achieving the goals outlined in the Promise. Supportive of giving children every opportunity to have their needs met in a family context, we are equally alert to the complexities of caring for children who have experienced trauma and what we ask of those who take children into their homes and families. We have appreciated the opportunities to work with partners and Scottish Government to explore what is needed to support and enable a fostering service which meets the diverse needs of children requiring alterative family care and welcome the chance to comment on proposals in this consultation for a flexible fostering service.

Our response is based on consultation and discussion with our membership which covers senior leaders in social work, including Chief Social Work Officers, service and team managers from across the country and from both local authorities and third sector agencies involved in delivery of services to children and adults.