The Workforce and Resources Standing Committee will operate as a partnership with relevant national agencies.
As one of the five standing committees of Social Work Scotland, this Committee’s remit is to support and underpin the work of the other committees (Chief Social Work Officer (CSWO), Adult Social Care, Children and Families, and Justice). To this end, membership will include representatives from all our committees. The work of the group will also cross-reference to the Chief Social Work Officer committee to support the statutory duties of the CSWO role.
The Committee will make recommendations to the Board, the Chief Social Work Officer’s Committee and other standing committees where appropriate.
The Subgroups support the work of the Workforce and Resources Standing Committee by taking forward specific pieces of work identified enabling the sharing of practice, networking, and supporting the committee feedback loop regarding new and emerging practice issues “on the ground”.
SWS Workforce and Resources Standing Committee – Terms of Reference (August 2020)
Standing Committee
David Gibson
Admin Support:
Hayley Maclean
Workforce & Resources Committee Subgroups
Learning & Development
Billy Fisher:
Contracts & Commissioning
Geri McCormick:
Admin Support:
Digital Social Work
Stephen Morgan:
Jane Kellock: