Social Work Scotland is the professional body for social work leaders, working closely with
our partners to shape policy and practice, and improve the quality and experience of social
services. We welcome this opportunity to comment on the proposal to strengthen the
Health & Social Care Standards, recognising their importance in the delivery of services
that are Human Rights based, and person centred. The reflections within this consultation
response are drawn from the experience of our membership of social workers, the lead
professionals taking forward duties under the Social Work (Scotland) Act 1968.
Social workers are uniquely placed as a profession to offer insight and contribution to this
guidance and to support the effective implementation of the Health & Social Care
Standards within residential settings. Working within this multi-agency context social work
can offer perspective to ensure that services are delivered in line with a Human Rights and
person-centred approach.
Highlighted below are key points for consideration
- Social Work Scotland overwhelmingly supports the existing Health & Social Care
Standards, as they provide a solid foundation for the delivery of person centred,
rights-based, care and support. - Social connection is vital to the wellbeing of individuals. Positive and supportive
family and friend networks are assets in a person’s life and can only enhance any
service that is also being provided to them to support their health and wellbeing. - The opportunity should be utilised to relaunch the Standards as they are, with a
particular emphasis on educating the entire Social Work, Social Care, and Health
workforce on the purpose and meaning of the Standards and how they apply across
the health and social care landscape. - It is essential that the Health & Social Care Standards apply to all adult residential settings, and that there is an explicit link to residential services for children.
Adult care homes: Strengthening Health and Social Care Standards.
Consultations Questions
Question 1 – Do you agree with the overall aim that people living in adult care
homes have the right to see and spend time with those who are important to them
in order to support their health and wellbeing?
Please say why/explain your answer
Social connection is vital to the wellbeing of individuals. Positive and supportive family
and friend networks are assets in a person’s life and can only enhance any service that
is also being provided to them to support their health and wellbeing. Article 8 of the
Human Rights Act protects the right to a family life, which includes the right to enjoy
family relationships without interference from government, specifically the right to live
with your family and, where this is not possible, the right to regular contact.
Question 2 – Do you think that a new Health and Social Care Standard (or
Standards) should be developed or should the existing Standards be
We need to do both
Please say why/explain your answer
The current Standards provide a solid foundation for the delivery of person centred,
rights based, care and support. The creation of additional Standards that explicitly
protect the relationship between supported person and their family and friends will
further enhance this, and give an opportunity for the Standards to be reintroduced to the
workforce with associated workforce development opportunities.
Question 3 – If you think the existing Standards should be strengthened, please
provide suggestions here.
Rather than strengthening, the opportunity should be utilised to relaunch the Standards
as they are, with a particular emphasis on educating the entire Social Work, Social
Care, and Health workforce on the purpose and meaning of the Standards and how they
apply across the health and social care landscape.
Question 4- If you think a new Standard (or Standards) is required, what do you
think of the following options:
a) If I am an adult living in a care home, I can nominate a named visitor (and
substitutes) who I am able to see and spend time with to support my health and
wellbeing, which meets my needs and preferences.
b) If I am an adult living in a care home, I can nominate a named visitor (and
substitutes) who I am able to see and spend time with at any time to support my
health and wellbeing, which meets my needs and preferences.
c) If I am an adult living in a care home and visiting restrictions are needed to
prevent infection, my named visitor (and substitutes) are supported by the service
to continue to see and spend time with me, as long as it is safe.
d) If I am an adult living in a care home and visiting restrictions are needed to
prevent infection, my named visitor (and substitutes) are supported by the service
to be fully involved in supporting my health and wellbeing at any time.
Preference is for Option D
Please say why/explain your answer
Option D recognises the role of the nominated person in supporting the cared for
person, and offers an opportunity for a “team around the individual” approach. It is
recognised that a significant shift in policy and practice is required to achieve this
ambition and careful planning required to ensure an awareness of roles and
responsibilities of individuals and staff members. Taking this approach would support
meaningful involvement of friends and family members in supporting individuals who are
in receipt of care from outside agencies.
Question 5 – If you have an alternative suggestion for a new standard, please
provide it here:
No alternatives noted.
Question 6 – Should the proposals apply only to people who live in an adult care
home (residential and nursing) registered with the Care Inspectorate?
Please say why/explain your answer
In order to achieve and maintain parity across service areas, we believe it is essential
that these Standards are applicable across other residential settings for adults, it is also
crucial that the standards include a link to children’s residential settings.
Question 7 – What do you see as the main benefits, challenges and risks of a
proposal to update the Health and Social Care Standards to support people living
in adult care homes have the right to see and spend time with those who are
important to them?
The Health and Social Care Standards are in line with Article 8 of the Human Rights Act
1998. Upholding the tenets of the Act and supporting people to give meaning and effect
to the statements within are a basic human right and assuring the Standards in place
support this is of benefit.
Listening to, and respecting, the wishes of individuals who require to live in residential or
group accommodation will reflect a person-centred approach, something that social
workers uphold in our approach to engagement.
Respecting private life and encouraging engagement between a supported person and
those who are important in their life will positively impact mental well-being for the
individual, their family, and wider networks, reflecting the person-centred and human-rights based Scotland that underpins legislative, policy, and strategic drivers.
Care homes are places where individuals live, and receive care and support in a homely
(rather than clinical) environment, upholding this understanding of the purpose of care
homes is integral to ensuring this living option retains a social model approach, enabling
people who need this level of care and support to receive it in a homely environment.
Care homes are not and should not be seen as, treated as, or regulated as, community
It is recognised that the Covid-19 pandemic raised challenges around supporting
residents’ engagement with family and other people important to them, whilst adhering
to public health advice. Some of this was reflected in the limitations on family and social
contact within the wider community during the most significantly restricted period.
However, the context for care home residents, the duration for which enhanced
restrictions were experienced by them and the complex interplay between their right to
self-determination and “protection” were largely unique. There may still be a challenge
to deliver on the Standard around engagement for residents with key individuals as we
emerge from the pandemic, with infection prevention and resource of staffing impacting
on the support required to achieve these. However, we would suggest that the benefits
of setting the Standards in line with the expectation that delivery of human-rights based
approaches is required, is paramount to conceding to the challenges that may arise
when implementing them.
Question 8 – Please provide any further comments on the proposals
- Social Work Scotland overwhelmingly supports the existing Health & Social Care
Standards, as they provide a solid foundation for the delivery of person centred,
rights based, care and support. - Social connection is vital to the wellbeing of individuals. Positive and supportive
family and friend networks are assets in a person’s life and can only enhance any
service that is also being provided to them to support their health and wellbeing. - The opportunity should be utilised to relaunch the Standards as they are, with a
particular emphasis on educating the entire Social Work, Social Care, and Health
workforce on the purpose and meaning of the Standards and how they apply across
the health and social care landscape. - It is essential that the Health & Social Care Standards apply to all adult residential
settings, and that there is an explicit link to residential services for children.