SDS Frequently Asked Questions

Frequently Asked Questions to accompany Scottish Government and COSLA Guidance on Self-directed Support Option 1 and Option 2 during the Coronavirus pandemic

These Frequently Asked Questions accompany National Guidance that has been developed jointly by the Scottish Government, the Convention of Scottish Local Authorities (COSLA) and Social Work Scotland in response to issues raised early on in the pandemic.  They address issues voiced by people who use social care support, employers of personal assistants, personal assistants, independent advice and support organisations, providers of services and Local Authorities.

If there is a question you would like answered that is not yet included in the FAQs, please contact us:

  • These FAQs are for Employers of Personal Assistants (PAs), Personal Assistants employed by people using a Direct Payment and for organisations who provide independent advice and support to employers.
  • These FAQs are relevant for the duration of the COVID-19 pandemic.
  • These FAQs will be updated and available on the Social Work Scotland website and contain links to partner organisations and the UK Government Coronavirus Website.
  • In line with the national guidance linked above, these FAQs also recognise the SDS COLLECTIVE CALL TO ACTION which states the fundamental starting point that people must continue to access the support that they need to assist them in staying as safe and as well as possible and maintain the dignity and respect of their human right at this time.